Monday, July 11, 2011


One of my favorite foods!  Chicken is sooo very versatile, which we all know and probably have read and heard many times just how easy cooking chicken is. If you still have doubts, have no fear! Cook.Love.Grow&Eat is here!
Really, I am here to inspire you with my favorite tasty, but simple meals. This post for today is all about chicken. Such as, the easiest types of chicken to prepare, how to store chicken, etc.
Just to get things flowing for today, i'm going to brush up on some great ways to buy, store and prepare Chicken.

Food is very expensive these days. So what I love to do is get things when they are on sale and stock up. Different meats are always on sale at most markets practically every week!

The type of chicken I use and would reccomend is Chicken breast and Chicken legs; as they tend to have less calories and fat. Its even more better without the skin. Buying chicken that is either already cleaned, prepared etc. is great, however it does come with a cost that many of us can't afford to pay. Soo, with that in mind, it calls for a little preparedness.

But first let me talk about the meats that come cleaned, frozen and in a bag in the back of the market. Yah, they seem easy, but it is more cost effecient if you buy fresh meat and take home, clean them, seperate individually and freeze your self. Fresh, Family size packs of meat are awesome for this. That way it saves loads of time when you're in a rush. You can just go in the freezer, thaw, and start cooking. Also, seperating them instead of storing the whole tray makes it easier to unthaw. Freezing them individually first, proves to be better for me in the long haul.

So, you find your desired chicken peices on sale at a great price, and you stock up... Bring home and prepare them for the freezer. For Tommorow, you decide that you would like to cook a nice chicken dinner for your hubby. Whats the first step? ...First recipe will be included in the following post!

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Cook. Love. Grow. and Eat. -
Food is such a wonderful gift from our Creator. To be able to Love and express Love, is just as wonderful. So, I put the two together. This is where, 'Cook' and 'Love' meet 'Grow' and Eat'.
By COOKING, I express my LOVE for my family and friends. Which in turns allows me to GROW spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally. When thats said and done, I EAT, too. : )

This Blog is about taking the time out to express your unconditional Love for your family, through cooking. To learn to cook simple but delicious food, that your family will enjoy. So I have been inspired to created this blog based on the experience and successful recipes I have received from my Mother, Grandmother, Aunts, Sisters, Friends and as a Wife to be. And of course, I am looking forward to your comments, feedback, successful recipes and even your experiences!

: ) Have A great Day!!